500Hz and above from a single component, which
makes the sound more coherent, he says. The use of
FIR (finite impulse response) filters is another positive
development. “The FIR filters make the phase response
linear which means we can achieve more emphasis on
the voice even at long distances. The improved
coherency allows us to increase the throw distance. In
three-way speaker systems, with horn-loaded sealed
mid ranges, it’s possible to reach ranges above 100m
with high voice intelligibility and extremely high SPL.”
Track meet
The genteel surroundings of Ascot racecourse in the
UK offers a stark contrast to the rowdy Monster Jams,
where the noise from the engines is part of the
atmosphere. Horse racing venues have to be more
careful because of the danger of scaring horses.
“We don’t allow the loud noise to reach them. We
monitor dispersion patterns and broadcasting levels to
make sure we cover audience areas, but the sound gets
cut off at the white fence of the race track,” says Eddie
Thomas, vice president of integrated projects division
at SSE Audio, which is refurbishing the sound systems
at Ascot racecourse. The 12-month installation will
include coverage for the vast 400m long grandstand
that can accommodate 57,000 racegoers and includes
eight restaurants and 265 hospitality boxes.
The sound can be prevented from being thrown too
far and spilling from the venue using tightly controlled,
dispersion loudspeakers. The angle and dispersion of
the horns control how far it is thrown. Meanwhile,
sound operatives adjust the decibel levels with the
amplifiers. The parade rings are another sensitive
location. Speakers have to be set up to broadcast to the
audience in the raked areas surrounding the rings, but
never pointed at the horses, or towards the parade ring.
“We use very controlled columns or loudspeakers with
DSP controls to steer the audio where we want it to go,”
Thomas says.
SSE Audio is using two different types of
loudspeakers from Bose, including its latest
ArenaMatch range and amplifier technology, in each
cluster to cover the wide open space in front of the
stands. A near-field speaker with a wide dispersion
Above: At Ascot racecourse
in the UK, a complete system
overhaul by SSE Audio uses
Bose speaker technology to
enhance site-wide coverage
Below: The Bose ArenaMatch
loudspeaker range can be
configured to deliver a finely
focussed dispersion pattern
www.stadia-magazine.com March 2020 17